New news: (Monday, 19 November 2001)
(19 November 2001)
I just updated the continued page with details of the adventure to the southern tip of Israel. I have taken a lot of pictures and there are in process of being developed right now, so hopefully shortly I will be able to add some more pics to the more slides page.
The weather in Israel is getting really really cold didn't know it actually got down to such temperatures! I am glad I brought a scarf and hat with me, actually I luckily went through my stuff and just happened by chance to come accross it!! I had completely forgoten I had stuffed it in my suit case!! Thank God.. It is really nice weather though!! Going to the shrine is very different in cold weather for some reason. I think the cold weather has made everything look cristal clear and edgy.. very very beautiful!!
(02 November 2001)
I can't believe it is November already!! So amazing!!
Usually after Mr. Dunbar's class on thursdays everyone gets together in these little groups and head out to do something. Most people usually tend to go to Cafe's around the area. I decided to break this routine and just walk around and visit all the different groups of people and sit down with them and get to know some of them. It was really nice, and they all made me feel very welcome. This morning after I got up and realized all my flatmates had already left somewhere I decided to clean the flat and re arrange somethings to suprise them. So lets see what they think.. hehe.. can't wait to see the look on their faces.
I am at work today, I had complety forgoten I had to come in and do work today. But anyway I am here and I have taken sometime to update the slideshow page under more slides with more pics. They are kind of funny. Enjoy!!
(30 October 2001)
Last night I moved into the flat. It is soo beautiful!! We spent till around 1 in the morning getting things organized. All my flatmates are great, and I found out after consulting with them that we all play some instrument!! We have drums, violin, guitars, and voices!! It should be interesting to see what type of music we come up with since we have, persian and african backgrounds. The room I am in is enourmous!! I can't believe how big it is.. a little to big, but I am not complaining.
Mr. Dunbar came down to greet and welcome us and shared some stories about the flat. He says it is the only place in Haifa that he knows of where so many hands of the Cause have lived. What a blessing. Our kitchen looks up at the shrine of the Bab, and our back yard is a beautiful garden.
It should be interesting to see what kind of challenges we are going to be facing all of us living together. We will see what happens.
(26 October 2001)
This weekend it finally looks like I will be moving into Mr Dunbar's flat. But there is so much I have to do before that. Today I started to pack and I couldn't believe how much stuff I have accumulated after being here for 6 months. I spent most of the day packing and getting everything clean. It looks like I may be moving in on Monday evening!! Woohooo ... I am excited!! It should be interesting sharing the flat specially with so many talented musicians. I hope we don't drive Mr. Dunbar nuts with all the music : o )
Last night after Mr. Dunbar's class I went straight home and started finishing a song that we have been working on.. and it is finaly coming together!! Funny how one song comes out and you just get inspired to start writing more. I sure hope it stays this way for a while, having a great singer helps a lot John just has an amazing voice!! I get shivers hearing him sing sometimes and can't believe he is actually singing to music that I have created.. I feel so honored!!
Shortly in just a couple weeks a large group of about 10 people including myself are planning to rent a couple of cars and head down south to Eilat!! I have been dying to go down since I came and it looks like it may just happen this time.. I just imagine guitars in hand and tents and a great trip ahead! Packed with music, bon fires, marshmellows, stars and plenty of fun.
The latest on this site is all the font has been changed, don't know if anyone has noticed but anyway.. it should be a little easier on the eyes and plus I was just sick and tired of the other. Another quote has been added to the favorite quotes page. I love this quote!! Abdul baha has such an amazing way of expressing things and this quote came about through his journey to paris and is included in the collection of his talks in this marvelous city a compilation known as Paris Talks.
(14 October 2001)
Last night was really nice! I have to say it was very inspiring. Mr. Arjamandi who accompanied Ruyyih Kanum on the greenlight expedition told some stories about it and then they showed the entire video of this marvelous journey through out the amazon and some other area's of South America. I was suprised to see a bunch of people I knew in the video like my Neighbor's Ruth Pringle and Leonard Ericks. The Indigenous are such marvelous human beings that we can all learn so much from.. so pure like babies, not influenced by society yet and so many virtues and qualities!!
I added some more pictures to the more slides section click here: More Slides
(12 October 2001)
Last night was Mr. Dunbar's class. It was a great class, we are studying the letter that Shogi Effendi sent to the high ranking officials of Haifa. The way he presented the faith and his wording are outstanding, they are a very practical way of a aproaching the history of the faith in just about three pages. So we are studying it in depth so that we can be better be prepared when a simple question comes up like what is the Bahai faith. I think we tend to divulge ourselves in learning things about the faith that when it comes to answering simpler questions we find ourselves clueless on what to say. Not saying that it is not important to have the knowledge just that we should always have a balance and when it is time to teach to completely put aside everything we know and really just humble ourselves and speak from the heart.
I have some great news!! Mr. Dunbar called me up and asked if i wanted to live in the flat right below him where Ali (my brother) lived!! It was such great news!! I can't believe the best part however is that possibly John Hicks, the singer, and Naim a violin player will be my flatmates!! I can't believe it!! Not only will have the privelage to host Mr. Dunbar's Classes but also be able to practice and play music even more all the time.. and possibly come up with a lot of new stuff! I am so excited!! It looks like they renovated the whole flat and re did the kitchen and bathrooms and the rooms and they are just about to be finished and I will be moving in, in a couple of weeks.
Well I still havn't heard from anyone so I guess this means that everything is ok. I am at work right now and then will probably get a bite to eat and then head for Bahji to the most Holy Spot on the planet. Love to all.
(09 October 2001)
Hi everyone!! It seems like it has been a while. The Freeservers server had some hardware difficulties it seems. Anyway I am back on track and ready to update.
Shortly I will be adding another new slide show presentation with some funny pics. Also I have added a new adventure for this past weekend under the continued section.
The couple we performed songs for on there wedding ceremony has created a website which I am including here. There are some pictures of the band along with pictures of friends and family hope you enjoy:
Wedding Pictures
I have taken quit a few pictures at this wedding as well, so shortly if all goes well I will be developing the roll and scanning them in. I will be including a link for the new slide presentation but you will shortly be able to find it under slide show and then at the buttom there will be a link to more slides.
Well I hope to hear something from all of you every once in a while. I know it may be amusing to just hear whats going on in this side of the world but I am dying to hear what everyone else is up to.. I hope if you havn't signed my guest so.. and if you have please sign up again and send me an email!!! : o ) miss you all.. More news to come shortly.
(03 October 2001)
Finally in October!! I can't believe it! It is 7:40 a.m. I just got to work. I am feeling much better now. Ready for another wonderful day at work.
Well the only new news I have is that once again I will be performing with the band shortly. We have an upcoming Canadian thanksgiving dinner that we were invited to and they want us to perform some songs. I guess it is just meant to be. We are all being prepared to face the challenges already that are awaiting us when we leave. Its funny cause they only gave us 4 days notice.. we haven't done anything yet!! We havn't even had time really to work and rehears on anything. Everything we have played so far has been stuff that I have worked on in the past, but we havn't really done anything new together as a band. I sure hope we get some time without any gigs just to create some new music. I think we are going to have to start putting invitations off for a while so that we can catch up to people's expectations. : ) This evening we are probably going to get together again to see what we are going to be playing for the dinner and then after maybe catching a movie or something. I haven't been to a movie in a while and really need to get out.
Krisia Haynes has created her own website now. Its going really good and has tons of pics and stuff here is a link to her page:
Krisia's Web Page
(30 September 2001)
Sorry for not writing in a while. I came down with a flu on Thursday and have been under stress with the wedding song stuff. The wedding was amazing!! The Songs came out better than I thought, the sound and the location was beautiful. It couldn't have been better. There were 6 House members present and it was an evening filled with joy and radiance. I will probably update the highlight section later. I am still not feeling well but I am being taken care of really well here. I will update the rest of the page as soon as possible. I miss you all..
(21 September 2001)
To start off with I have updated quit a few things this evening. First I have eliminated all the photo pages and placed them one slideshow, which is more conveniant. Second I have updated the continued adventures and thoughts with my thoughts and feeling now after 6 months of doing service at the world centre. And last the the this section has been updated with the latest news and highlights of the week.
Well the new news for today you can pretty much find all over the news papers of the world, tension rising people have no clue where everything is headed to, some have no hope others are angry, others saddened. We as Bahai's are so lucky to have some sort of direction during these times we should be so thankful for life and spirit that has been given to us we are headed into the new world order like never before and the interesting thing is that you can actually see it coming.
(14 September 2001)
Today I just got back from Bahji. It was very beautiful. The shrine has been closed for a while and I havn't been there for quit some time now so it felt really great to be there again.
I just updated the page with an addition to the teaching section. And I have also added the Bahai world centre youth photo to Photo 1 page but you can click here to view it:
Youth at the Bahai World Centre
(8 September 2001)
I am sitting right now at Krisia's Place using her laptop and updating my page with yesterday's trip. This afternoon we had a great Dave Mathews Jam with a bunch of fans we are also working on some songs for an upcoming wedding at the end of the month. We have been asked to perform the presetion and the reception of the wedding. So we are working our brains and hearts out to get something for the ceremony.
Its really great to work with Krisia and some and the rest of the band cause they are really good at it and doesn't take much to get the parts out from them and the creativity seems to flow through us all really easily when we get together, it must be the spirit of the Holy land for sure!! I love music!!
(3 September 2001)
I updated the site with another page with the arts cafe photos. Check it out: Arts Cafe Slides
(1 September 2001)
Lets see where can I start? Today I got up around 10 in the morning, took a nice hot shower and read another chapter of the Dawn Breakers. I have been not only reading it but taking a lot of notes and details that help me remember where I left off and good points to go back to. I stayed up late last night we all went out to eat after the Arts Cafe wich was really amazing. There were so many musicians, great musicians I should say, it was like everyone was hiding in a cuby hole and all of a sudden came to light.
I was thinking of going to the shrine later on today and then maybe heading down to Herziliya for lunch we will see what happens, it is a really mellow day. I have also updated the page in the continued section with one of Mr. Dunbar's classes, just something I wanted to note for future referance.
(24 August 2001)
I just got back from my last orientation get together after almost 6 months at being at the world centre. That sounds so funny to say that I have been here for almost half a year, time goes by in a blink of an eye.
Updated the page today with some links for the adventures and more adventures page so that it is more easily viewable. I may go eat some lunch and then get home to rest for a while it has been a really busy week. Tonight I have a choir performance. We are going to be singing Blessed is the Spot as an opening prayer for a film night at the ITC.
(18 August 2001)
Check out new pictures in Photos section and more section. Thats pretty much all I updated today. Just got back from the Shrine of Baha u LLah and am about to head to a dinner.
Last night we had a latin get together dinner and we invited the Khans, members of the Universal house of Justice, over and had a great time. They answered many different questions about different topics such as the difference between the soul and the spirit, the economic situation in the world and how Bahai's are going to be coping with issues concerning World centre external curiosities within media, Bahai views on guilt, Bahai view on issue on human cloning and many other questions. It was a brain storm evening and learned a lot from it.
(15 August 2001)
I finaly was able to scan in some pictures, not many, but enouph to put images to words. Check out more pictures and the continued adventures section for the pics.
Two more good friends from Costa Rica will be coming to serve here shortly, Heshmat and Paul, thats going to be great!
Everyone is working extra hours lately but if feels really good to do extra work and service for the faith. There are a lot of things coming up, I don't believe I have been here for almost 5 months now. Our initial orientation group is going to get together soon to celebrate. We are not sure what we are going to be doing.
(11 August 2001)
Well I just got back from a nice day in Bahji at the shrine of Baha u llah and decided to updated the page with the trip the last weekend that I took with 15 other people from the BWC.
Sorry about not adding the pictures yet but my scanner is out of business for now, don't know how long it will be before I can get some more funny pics in.
(1 August 2001)
Well lets see.. whats new. I have added a teaching page which I am working on, it will have some information on inspiring teaching stories from Bahai's in different parts of the world, either as pioneers, travel teachers or just experiences in general. The Idea came up after I realized that Bahai's after leaving the world centre have so much energy and things just start happening for them so I thought it would be nice to share it with you.
I have also added some Costa Rica information (under construction), this will have information on Costa Rica, pictures and the likes so that you can get an Idea of whats happening there, whats available, and just to give you an Idea of what it is like. Plus I would love to have you stay with me so that I can show you around when you come. This will have to be in a couple years of course.
(27 July 2001)
Well I am a little sad, my good friend Martina Furinova left back home, I really feel and miss her presence, she is a wonderful person. I hope she has arrived safely and the one thing that inspires me to not be sad is the hope of one day going to visit her in Russia.
Today I took a wonderful trip down with Shingo, my Japanese friend, to Herziliya. We had a blast!! I will describe more in the adventures section under more adventures shortly.
(25 July 2001)
Well I have added a Costa Rica page with Costa Rica Photos that I am working on right now, it pretty much gives friends and insight into Costa Rica at what its all about, main teaching events and activities within the Bahai's.
I also added a link to more adventures so that the page wouldn't become monotonous after a while of looking at thousands of lines. This page however is left for future trips, it looks like everything is going well for me to head down next weekend to Eilat and the red sea, so I will keep you posted on this little adventure on the new page.
(23 July 2001)
Not that much news today. It was a busy day at work, got a lot done. The pilgrims have arrived and I guess they will all be going to the shrine tonight, there may be a talk by Mr Furutan at the Pilgrim Reception Centre. I am headed off for the shrines now.

Highlight: (Monday, 19 November 2001)
(19 November 2001)
We just recently commemorated the martrydom of the Bab in the concourse of the Universal House of Justice on Mount Carmel. Over 100 pilgrims were present and a little over 800 staff members!! All nine House members were present and a great variety of them read from the Holy writing and scriptures. The program included chanted prayers in Arabic and Persian that were soo beautiful and uplifting they brought tears to my eyes. It must have been a combination of the chants plus the amazing sound and acoustics of the the ground floor of the Universal House of Justice that just gave me goose bumps from head to toe. The lighting and program was absolutely stunning. One more reason to really feel the bounty of being able to serve here and the privelage to partake in such events!!
(02 November 2001)
Last night I had an interesting dream again. I remember specifically exactly the intense feelings within the dream. I dreamt I was in Afghanistan walking up a dirt road with someone. It was really grey and dark around me. To the left there was some farmers and local Afghans and when they saw us coming and realized we looked American they immediately got angry at us but I remember that they went up to whoever I was with and wanted to kill him and I viewed this from a distant perpective and really felt their anger and frustration and I didn't really become involved in the conflict.
Then I ended up in this small village on the outskirts of a forest and it was still really dark and grey and it looked as if it were going to rain. In this village there was a group of children that I remember thinking to myself how beautiful they were and they all started singing this song and were harmonizing with beautiful voices and I just sat there listening to them and it started to rain. And then I heard in another language someone calling everyone in the village to see something, so I got up and ran to see what everyone was curious to see and when I looked up in the sky just past the forrest thousands and thousands of missiles filled the sky and lite it up and flew over our heads. The feeling I had was of intense preocupation that one of the missiles may fall short and hit the village, I was so worried about this and I couldn't believe that I was actually seeing these missiles just fly out in the sky knowing that they were just going to hit a target and destroy whatever was in the way.
I don't know why I had this dream.. I haven't been watching or hearing the news in the past couple of weeks and have actually been pretty detached from everything that is going on around me.
(09 October 2001)
There has been many highlights in the past few days but I decided just to share the Dinner we had just recently.
The band was invited to a Canadian thanksgiving dinner with a two day notice!! We were invited to play a couple songs for entertainment!! Even though we didn't have any time to rehearse we managed to pack in a John Hicks country grass song!! It was a lot of fun we ended up changing the lyrics to include most of the Canadian Pronvinces. The dinner was really great. As usual on thanksgiving, very similar to the United states thanks giving by the way, there was tons of food and turkey and all kinds of stuff.. Also even though it was a Canadian thanksgiving night there were about 30 people and more than half were not Canadian born citizens!! But anyway it was a very amuzing evening.
Mr. Javaheri a Member of the teaching center gave a short presentation of the past and present of Canada. He recently just got back from a trip where he talked about the five year plan. He will be giving another talk shortly for a bigger audience.
(03 October 2001)
Everyone really enjoyed themselves at the wedding and really enjoyed the performance of all of us. It was Elena, the bride's sister, Krisia, Gappy, Chibu (the drummer) and me. Even though I was really sick we had a blast and put off so much more energy than I thought we could have had!! It was fantastic.. Everyone was clapping and lauphing at Krisia's and JOhns funny wedding lyrics. We played a list of cover songs that are pretty popular and upbeat and put lyrics relating to the Bride and Grooms relationship.
(21 September 2001)
There are several highlights to the past few weeks. They showed a movie in the ITC auditorium called The Color of Paradise in Persian which was really good and moving about a blind child who at the end really can see.
It really sparked my interest in learning Persian. It clicked in my head that I would love to do composing of "American style songs" into Persian.. it would be a great teaching tool and different. I will be starting intensive classes next week and am determined that by the time I leave the World Centre I am going to be at a conversational level.
Mr. Dunbar's classes are just getting better and better. We are studying about the life and stages of the Soul and about the way we attain these stages in this life versus the next. It is very interesting, has me at the edge of my chair all the time and keep wanting him to say more but by that time the class has ended and have to wait another week.
There is a great person here who I admire very much her name is Tauby. She is married in her 50's and is the funniest and sweetest person I have ever met. She is really taking care of me, like my mom... Mom ofcourse nothing compared.. but you know what I mean : ) anyway she is taking me along with her husband almost every weekend to Bahji in there car and is sooo wonderful.. every time I feel sad or depressed about something the one thing other than prayers and medition that keeps me happy is the thought of Tauby and how she makes everyone smile. She is like a kid still.. anyway..
(14 September 2001)
I guess the biggest highlight at the moment is the tragedy of New York. Here are some Quotes By Shogi Effendi on America and New York (The City of the Covenant) Goes to show that this is just the begining of a new world order:
"The continent of America," He (Abdul Baha) so significantly wrote, "is, in the eyes of the one true God, the land wherein the splendors of His light shall be revealed, where the mysteries of His Faith shall be unveiled, where the righteous will abide, and the free assemble."
(Shoghi Effendi: The Advent of Divine Justice, Page: 6)
"May this American Democracy be the first nation to establish the foundation of international agreement. May it be the first nation to proclaim the unity of mankind. May it be the first to unfurl the Standard of the Most Great Peace." And again: "The American people are indeed worthy of being the first to build the Tabernacle of the Great Peace, and proclaim the oneness of mankind....
(Shoghi Effendi: The Advent of Divine Justice, Page: 85)
Both the community of the American believers, who are aware of that Source, and the great mass of their countrymen, who have not as yet recognized the Hand that directs their destiny, are contributing, each in its own way, to the realization of the hopes, and the fulfillment of the promises, voiced in the above-quoted words of Abdu'l-Baha.
(Shoghi Effendi: The Advent of Divine Justice, Page: 87)
The distance that the American nation has traveled since its formal and categoric repudiation of the Wilsonian ideal, the changes that have unexpectedly overtaken it in recent years, the direction in which world events are moving, with their inevitable impact on the policies and the economy of that nation, are to every Baha'i observer, viewing the developments in the international situation, in the light of the prophecies of both Baha'u'llah and Abdu'l-Baha, most significant, and highly instructive and encouraging.The immediate future must, as a result of this steady, this gradual, and inevitable absorption in the manifold perplexities and problems afflicting humanity, be dark and oppressive for that nation. The world-shaking ordeal which Baha'u'llah, as quoted in the foregoing pages, has so graphically prophesied, may find it swept, to an unprecedented degree, into its vortex. Out of it it will probably emerge, unlike its reactions to the last world conflict, consciously determined to seize its opportunity, to bring the full weight of its influence to bear upon the gigantic problems that such an ordeal must leave in its wake, and to exorcise forever, in conjunction with its sister nations of both the East and the West, the greatest curse which, from time immemorial, has afflicted and degraded the human race.
Then, and only then, will the American nation, molded and purified in the crucible of a common war, inured to its rigors, and disciplined by its lessons, be in a position to raise its voice in the councils of the nations, itself lay the cornerstone of a universal and enduring peace, proclaim the solidarity, the unity, and maturity of mankind, and assist in the establishment of the promised reign of righteousness on earth. Then, and only then, will the American nation, while the community of the American believers within its heart is consummating its divinely appointed mission, be able to fulfill the unspeakably glorious destiny ordained for it by the Almighty, and immortally enshrined in the writings of Abdu'l-Baha. Then, and only then, will the American nation accomplish "that which will adorn the pages of history," "become the envy of the world and be blest in both the East and the West."
(SHOGHI December 25, 1938)
(1 September 2001)
I guess the highlight of this past week was last night at the arts cafe. There were maybe 10 differnet performing groups of artist, musicians, dancer and poets. The Pilgrim Reception center was packed with people, including Mr. Dunbar showed up for a music and art fested evening. I played a couple songs with Krisia Haynes the violin player, David Gappy a bass player, and John Hicks who is an amazing singer we did some harmony stuff and hidden words in spanish.
What I most enjoyed from last night was the incredible diversity and talent here at the world centre. So many that I never new even existed. I would walk by them all the time in the hall way or wherever and had no clue they were such talented artists! It was a lot of fun, Krisia did some amazing MCing along with another guy they were hilarious, they got the crowd lauphing and clapping and just the whole spirit that evening was really beautiful.
I realized there are a bunch of guitar players who are Dave Mathews fans ; 0 ) so we just might get together and have Dave Mathews jam session or maybe come out with something better and more creative with all this talent!! I am so impressed and happy to have found these people.
(29 August 2001)
I don't know what is happening but last night I had another dream that was interesting. I dreamt I was in Australia this time and was heading to do some major surfing, I was with my friend Javid, his brother and some of my family members. From what I remember clearly, I got into the water to catch some waves along with my friend Javid and it was difficult to get out to the wave breaking point, there were some really weird currents but I managed along with Javid to get. I then saw a wave come and got in position to catch it I felt the wave pick me up and right when I was going to go down the line I knew I wasn't going to make it cause I was right at the mouth cup of the wave and it was just way to high, I remember I was no longer me but my friend Javid and saw exactly what he saw and felt what he felt, I knew he was going to be overtaken by the wave and right at that moment I switched from being on the wave in his eyes to sitting on my board looking at him on the wave from in back. I then turned around and tried to catch a wave and wasn't successfull somehow I ended up going back in and walking around the beach.
It started to get a little dark and looked like it was going to rain and I was getting concerned along with my family and his brother about Javid. We looked out in the distance and couldn't see him. Now I had remembered him catching that wave and knew he wasn't going to make it out of it but I didn't mention any of this to anyone for some reason, I don't know why. We all started to get really panicy about the situation and started to really look for him and to our suprise we noticed and found a dead body lying in the Ocean and pulled it out. But this wasn't my friend Javid it had been someone else but I knew if this guy didn't make it there must have been many more in the ocean. I couldn't accept the fact that Javid had died and I then woke up from my dream and was practically in tears.
I went back to sleep and picked up right where I had left this time I saw a lightning flash way out in the distance in the ocean and I remember hearing it hit the water. I looked around me and many people had seen this lightning hit the water and Javid's brother told everyone to get out. Some time passed after this and I could see an enourmous tidle wave coming in the distance. I remember yelling to Javid's Brother to look at the wave and it got closer and closer, it was enourmous, but all this time I wasn't afraid of it at all, as a matter a fact I could see it coming and as everyone ran I just ducked dived the wave and went right through it. There seemed to be a lot of jumping around in this dream from seen to seen. I ended up in a restaurant nearby with everyone taking shelter from these tidle waves, and remember feeling some what protected by this place, another tidle wave came and hit the windows and splashed all over the place but never penetrated it or broke the glass.
The dream then went on but I don't remember much more of it, just the above is what I remember clearly. I was so worried about my friend Javid this morning that I sent him an email to see if he is Ok.
Anyway been having a lot of ocean dreams and lightning but not sure what they mean maybe it will all make sense when I leave or in the next life..
(20 August 2001)
Last night I had a really profound dream. It was actually several dreams. The first I just remember took place in Costa Rica and all I remember was lots of friends and people at night, and being with everyone and having a great time and then I remember steping outside for a bit and it was pitch black and it was raining so hard, there was lightning all over the place and the water and porch of some house that I was at was completely flooded. I sat down with my feet in the water and just watched the rain and the lightening it was a wonderful dream.
Then I dreamt I was on a beach and it wasn't very bright out. The sun was dim and it looked as if it were maybe just right after the sun went down, I could see the remaining of the sunset and glitter on the waves and remember sitting down on the shore with a chair and someone else I can't remember who.. But we were just talking and this lady that gave a talk recently here at the world centre came up to us and she hugged the guy that I was talking to as if he were going through something really hard. At that moment I had a bunch of papers with me, it looked like everything that I have written on this website. And both of them started praising my work and all the good stuff on the papers but I didn't feel I deserved such praise. At that moment I looked at a wave coming towards me and I thought, man that would be a great wave to surf, but then it got closer and closer and ended up braking right over me and the other two people with me and ended up flooding a restaurant that was near by.. I went to see what kind of damage the wave did and was curious and when I returned to my chair I realized that all my papers had been washed away by the ocean, all my work. I then started to walk down the beach with this lady and she asked how I felt and I responded fine, I didn't mind the loss of all my papers, but then I stopped and I told her, "Actually I don't feel that well" and started to go on about how life in the world centre was very different and had interesting challenges. Challenges that are usually overruled by sorrow, like would usually occur in the outside of the world centre. Or when you face challenges you tend to pray to God that you do the right thing more than you would to pray for and be thankful, while hear you try to do the right thing but you are thankful at the same time for everything that He has given you. After I spoke with her about this we walked to a car and drove off. I can't remember more of the dream but I do remember it lead to a previous dream I had before but I can't remember the details.
(11 August 2001)
I think the highlight of these past view days was last night. A famous Israeli pianist and a Japanese Violinist as a gift to the world centre donated a concert in the MPR of the Seat of the Universal house of Justice. It was so beautiful and uplifting. What better place to have uplifting music for the soul and where? yes right smack in the center of the Universe. The sound in the room was exceptional and it moved a lot of people into tears including myself. We were very thankful for the wonderful gift donated and had refreshments with the musicians after the concert and got to know them a bit and it was just very nice. A very inpiring evening.
I am just about to head off to the movies with my new friend from Bermuda, Krisia, and shingo. Krisia is soooo funny, and is a great musician as well. She plays the violin and I had previously met her at the inaugural events in may. She is going to be serving here, actually out in Bahji in the gardens for 18 months. I am not sure what movie we are all going to watch but anyway. I will keep you and myself posted shortly once again.
(1 August 2001)
Well the only highlight in the past few days has been last night and tonight. Last night was the Pilgrim farewell at the shrine. The farewell starts at 8:30p.m. and pilgrims and staff walk into the shrine and some chants a prayer out loud and then there is a social gathering afterwards in the courtyard of the pilgrim house, it is very nice you get to meet a lot of people and hear some of there experiences in the most holy places through out there stay.
I had Choir practice before that we are getting ready for a presentation shortly, so are working hard and learning new songs.
Tonight I have a ruhi class. Everyone at the world Centre is trying to finish all the ruhi books because shortly Dr. Arbab will be presenting Book 7 to the world and we want to be prepared for it.
After ruhi class there is another prayer gathering at the shrine but by the Bahai youth staff members. This happens only a few times a year and a selected amount of prayers readers get to read out loud inside the shrine of the Bab and Abdulbaha, which is nice.
(27 July 2001)
The Highlight of my day today, was a wonderful speach by one of the staff member's sister, Ms. Layli Miller. She is so young and has gone through so much in her life since she was 17 years old, and dedicates her life as a lawyer and has initiated a non-profet organizing for womens rights around the world. The stories she had to say about some of the conditions of women in the world are unbelievable. I was so overwhelmed with what she had to say and what she is facing and the obstacles in her way some of which she has overcome are just out of this world and definetely can be seen only through dinvine intervention. Such an amazing and inspiring talk.
I didn't mention the hightlight of my day yesterday because I wasn't here, but it was the declaration of the Bab and we had a devotional at 4 in the afternoon after I returned from dropping Martina off at the airpot. It was a very wonderful devotion, there were many people inlcuding the pilgrims and there was a nice breeze blowing in, and in one of the chanted poems by Abdul Baha I poured into tears from the loving and beautiful voice that chanted it, and was very inspired through the remaining of the day.
(25 July 2001)
Tonight I have a Ruhi class which if all goes well we will finish by this class. Ruhi Book 1 and then I will move on to Book 2.
Last night I had Choir practice. It is really an uplifting experience to take part in this, it is kind of a challenge for me since I have always wanted to sing, so I am learning a lot by standing up to this challenge. I have been already to two choir rehearsals and they are stuning, each one has given me a new insight into singing and rehearsing. We are about 60 poeple of all ranges, sopranos, altos, tenors, and baritones, it is such a great feeling when we all come together and you actually take part in it, its like everyone is connected, united, and one and there are no limits or barriers, just freedom, like flying but the whole choir makes up for one bird, I am just a feather, but can feel the activity of the rest of the body and spirit.
(23 July 2001)
I was going to be giving Salsa classes tonight but it didn't work out, I will be giving them next monday evening. Everyone here is dying to learn salsa, I am known as the salsa teacher.. yeah I know sounds pathetic I keep telling them about my friends back home but they don't care.