"Plant naught but the rose of love"



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Welcome to my life:

I have been blessed and have the privilege to serve and live in the Most Holy Place on the planet, Haifa Israel, and therefore would love to share with the friends a piece of what I have experienced while being here. I would like you to join me on each one of my adventures through this precious land. I have included some pictures of my trips and some of the most spectacular views of the holy places in Israel.

Inspiring Quote:

To hope is to risk pain. To try is to risk failure. But
risk must be taken, because the greatest hazard in life is
to risk nothing. The person who risks nothing does nothing,
has nothing, and is nothing. He may avoid suffering and
sorrow, but he simply cannot learn, feel, change, grow,
live, or love. Chained by his addictions, he's a slave. He
has forfeited his greatest trait, and that is his individual
freedom. Only the person who risks is free.

Leo Buscaglia (1924 - 1998)
Educator and writer
Cited in BITS & PIECES

Baha'i Inaugural Events:

I just recently presenced the most spectacular event of my life. One that I had the privilege to witness with my own eyes. I can see the future clearly before me. Grandchildren and generations after me looking back at such a marvelous time!! Thank God we are living in such a great day!!

Type in keywords and or a category in the below box to search for information regarding the Bahai faith or subjects on a variety of different topics, also for books that Bahai's can purchase from amazon.com:

Opening of the terraces:

It's dusk on 22 May 2001. Some 4,500 people, 3,300 of them Bahai's, representative of more than 200 countries and territories, are gathered at the foot of Mount Carmel in Haifa, Israel. They are there to witness the opening of the Terraces of the Shrine of the Bab, a project begun ten years ago that has transformed the ancient barren face of the mountain into 19 majestic terraced gardens cascading down the length of the mountain.

Mount Carmel History

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Inaugural evening, Mount Carmel Israel

And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it.
- ISAIAH 2:2

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